Year: 2019

Child Nutrition Myths

There is nothing more important than giving our youth the tools to leading their best and most fulfilling lives. Unfortunately, there are a lot of insidious children snacks on the market and even more insidious beliefs circulating on child nutrition that make it difficult to differentiate between a healthy and harmful diet. The following our 6 child nutrition myths and what you can do to reverse them

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The Salvation Herb- Salvia Officinalis

Most of us have seen the memes or heard our spiritual friends talk about “saging” their place, for the purpose being to clear any spiritual or mental negativity from the environment. Even if you do not subscribe to the spiritual beliefs, Sage is proven to improve mental function and clear a multitude of disease and harmful bacteria (which sounds a lot like expelling negativity to me). READ ON to discover the 30+ health benefits of Sage

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