Your Chakras & Everything You Need to Know to Begin Working With Them

If you have been to a yoga class you may have heard the word “Chakra” thrown around before. It may have sounded something like “now center yourself at the root chakra,” “become intuitive through your third eye,” or “imagine a white light glowing at your crown chakra.” I am sure I was thrown off when I heard it at my first yoga class some 10 years ago but since then it has become so innate and a part of my everyday. It will likely be the same for you: from just words on a paper (or in a blog) to scratching the surface of understanding to helping you in all areas of your life. And really the only way to begin this journey is to contemplate and work on your own chakras and how they equate in your own life. I truly believe chakra work can enlighten and add to parts of your life like nothing ever before.

Chakras are a major pillar in meditative, eastern religions and culture and like all ancient and complex practices, it may be hard for your mind to digest at first (and equally hard to describe them but here goes). Chakras are more something deeply felt, rather than conceptually understood. Chakras are often translated to the “wheels,” “focal points,” or “energy centers” within the subtle body (not physical body- i.e. you can’t find them when undergoing surgery). There are seven main centers along the spine that are associated with nerve bundles.

These spaces, or energy centers, are linked with emotions, habits, and the main pillars of a healthy lifestyle (such as connection, purpose, and awareness). They also have outer associations that help to balance and align them in your being. These associations are grounded in plant medicine, chromatherapy, aromatherapy, yogic poses, mantras, and affirmations, along with many other activities. It may sound confusing but it is basically a way to orient yourself in the realm of holistic health. A healthy mind, body, and spirit require alignment and attention in all seven chakras. The more you work with them, the more you will start to see that they make intuitive sense.

For instance, if you took a psychology course you are probably familiar with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory. The fundamental human needs of security and safety (animalistic needs) must be met before connection and relationship and the top tier of loftier goals of creativity and potential (human needs) can only come after your more basic needs are met. As the chakras expand from the base to the crown- so to does the goals of each energy center, which arise from the physical to interpersonal to mind to spirit. In this way, it is impossible to be in total alignment if the base chakras are not attended to, so here is where we start:

Root Chakra {Sanksrit: Muladhara}

Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra is the base of all other chakras. It rules over your feelings of safety and your role in the family lineage, as well as your basic survival needs. Some call it the “instinctual” or “survival” chakra. A balanced root chakra will help you develop a sense of belonging, will make you feel grounded, and will unfold into an able and unclouded mind. An unbalanced root chakra will lead to anxiety, fear, continual distrust, obsessing over money and working, and clinginess. Basically a lack of control having to do with never feeling “enough” and consistently feeling threatened. Physical manifestations of an unbalanced root chakra may be yeast infections, low back pain, leg problems or gut problems.

Associations and balancing tools

Color: Red

Food: beets, tomatoes, strawberries, cherries, potatoes

Herbs & Scents: yarrow, sage, ginger, Myrrh, frankincense, black pepper, rosemary

Energy Embodiment : Grounding

Element : Earth

Mantra : I Am

Affirmation: I am at home within my body, I am connected to my past and to my ancestors, I trust in myself and have everything I need

Vibration: LAM

Yoga Asana : Padmasana (Lotus Flexión), Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Malasana (Yoga Squat)

Sacral Chakra {Sanskrit : Svadhisthana}

Personally, I always found this chakra the most interesting as it rules over both sensuality and creativity. I like to think of this as the sacred femininity energy center, located at the womb/ naval space. Basically art, as well as passion, is a divinely sensually thing (meant to push further the boundaries of our senses); where sensual, in this case can be any manner that you sense and express life (which can include sexuality and connection to a partner but is not limited to that). A balanced chakra leads to a thrilling and prolific creative and sensual life. Whereas an unbalanced chakra may have you feeling lackluster, bored, uninspired, sexually inhibited or overindulgent in vices to be able to ‘feel’ again. Physical manifestation may be abnormal menstrual cycles or stomach pains.

Associations and balancing tools

Color: Orange

Food: Mango, orange, carrots, aphrodisiac

Herbs & Scents: cinnamon, raspberry leaf, Orange blossoms, patchouli, cardamom

Energy Embodiment : Pleasure, Creative, Sensual

Element : Fire

Mantra : I Feel

Affirmation: I love, cherish, and respect my body. I am open to feel life without attaching labels to everything. I am sacred and sovereign.

Vibration: VAM

Yoga Asana : Utkana Konasana (Goddess Pose), Utkatasana (Chair Pose), Natarajasana (Dancer Pose), Ardha Matsyendrasana ( Half Lord of the Fishes Pose )

Solar Plexus Chakra {Sanskrit: Manipura}

The Solar Plexus is found at the diaphragm or where the lower ribs start to part. This chakra rules over your sense of individuality and how well you let it shine out into the world. It is your place of discipline and will power. An unbalanced Solar Plexus may manifest in a dominating or extremely meek personality, but a balanced one will be wisely and purposefully assertive in one’s path. An unbalanced Solar Plexus may also result in a feeling of a lack of potency, i.e. having good intentions but never actualizing goals. Physical manifestations may be digestive and pancreatic problems.

Associations and balancing tools

Color: Yellow, Gold

Food: pineapple, sunflower seeds, corn, garlic

Herbs & Scents: calendula, helichrysum, chamomile, ginger, lemongrass, star anise

Energy Embodiment : Will, Confidence, Energy, Transform, Power

Element : Fire

Mantra : I Do

Affirmation: I am confident, capable, and worthy of all life’s blessings. I radiate out into the world, an authentic force all of my own.

Vibration: RAM

Yoga Asana : Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), Navasana (Boat Pose), Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle), Warrior Variations

Heart Chakra {Sanskrit: Anahata}

The Heart Chakra is pretty self- explanatory. It is located at, you guessed it: in the center of the chest or at the heart and rules over acts of love and joy. A closed heart charka may result in an overactive ego, or an incapacity to give and receive love. Physical manifestations may include respiratory ailments and cardiac issues from a block heart chakra. I believe the best ways to balance a heart chakra are to practice gratitude everyday, taking time to appreciate and experience everything with love. Also, by incorporating in Brahmavihara Cultivation (sending love and honor out to all beings in the world). The

Great Mantra “Hare Krishna” is a perfect tool for heart chakra balancing as it is meant to send transcendental love and vibrations out into the universe. The 16 word chant goes as follows:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

Associations and balancing tools

Color: Green

Food: any leafy green, matcha green tea

Herbs & Scents: Jasmine, Melissa, Spearmint, rose, basil, parsley

Energy Embodiment : Compassion

Element : Water

Mantra : I Love

Affirmation: I send love out to every molecule in the universe, as does every molecule in the universe send love back in return. There is no limit of the amount of love in the world or in our hearts.

Vibration: YAM

Yoga Asana : Ustrasana (Camel Pose), Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward- Facing Dog), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Throat Chakra {Sanskrit: Visuddha}

The throat chakra is located at the space between the shoulders, throat, and mouth. It regulates the thyroid and respiratory tract, so an unbalanced throat chakra may result in physical ailments in these locations. The throat chakra is the modulator between your internal and external worlds. A balanced chakra will feel like you have an outlet for creative and intellectual expressions. Where you can listen to others, as well as express your beliefs and opinions freely. An unbalanced throat chakra may manifest in an inability to tell the truth, connect with others, control speech, or find an outlet for your creative side.

Associations and balancing tools

Color: Indigo and turquoise blue

Food: blueberry, coconut water, tea and honey

Herbs & Scents: ylang ylang, eucalyptus, lemon balm, echinacea

Energy Emodiement : Expression, Truth

Element : Water

Mantra : I Speak

Affirmation: I am open to the many opinions in the world but remain authentic in myself. I listen to my body and my feelings. I express honesty, integrity, and a healthy mindset.

Vibration: HAM

Yoga Asana : Salamba Matsyasana (Supported Fish pose) Bitliasana- Marjaryasana (Cat- Cow Pose), Halasana (Plow Pose)

Third Eye Chakra {Sanskrit: Ajna}

The third eye chakra is located in between and slightly above our two eyes. The third eye rules over perception, intuition, psychic abilities, wisdom, and inspiration. With a balanced and healthy functioning third eye, these states are easily accessible. It is in these states that we can begin to understand the less concrete, previously chaotic seeming aspects of the universe. Without this chakra functioning properly, we may feel confused and frustrated in our role on this earth and our stance on our spirituality. Life may feel extremely mundane and nonsequential. Physical manifestations may be sleep and sensory issues (hearing, vision).

Associations and balancing tools

Color: Violet

Food: Avocado, salmon, grapes, walnuts, eggplant

Herbs & Scents: Mugwort, [Clary] sage, juniper, sweet marjoram

Energy Emodiement: Intuition

Element : Air

Mantra : I See

Affirmation: I honor and follow my intuition. I invite clarity as a means of sacred transformation into my life. I strengthen my ties to divine and ancestral wisdom. I allow myself the space and energy for imagination.

Vibration: AUM

Yoga Asana : Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose), Balasana (Childs Pose), Catur Svanasana (Dolphin Pose Yoga)

Crown Chakra {Sanskrit: Sahasrara}

The crown chakra is the last of our humanly chakras but it extends out as an aura around us and connects to our surroundings and the divine. A healthy crown chakra will give us glimpses of heaven: pure bliss, higher consciousness, and presence, and liberation. An unbalanced one may result in close- mindedness, obsessive thought patterns, cynicism and physical manifestation of headaches and fatigue.

Associations and balancing tools

Color: All colors, White, Deep Purple

Food: Good spring water, mushrooms

Herbs & Scents: Peony, lavender, cedarwood, frankincense

Energy Embodiment : Connect, Consciousness, Bliss, Limitless, Liberation

Element : Air

Mantra : I Understand

Affirmation: I am connected and a part of the divine source within the universe. I am one with all other beings. Only in silence, can we truly find divinity. I am timeless, limitless, and infinitude

Vibration: ANG

Yoga Asana : Inversions, Savasana (Corpse pose), meditation, Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose), Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Legged Forward Fold)

Chakra Quick Shot:

  • Root: Rules over connection, safety, comfort, and and base instincts
  • Sacral: Rules of creativity and sensuality
  • Solar Plexus: Rules over individuality, willpower, potency
  • Heart: Rules over compassion and happiness
  • Throat: Rules over expression and truthfulness
  • Third Eye: Rules over intuition, wisdom, clarity, and dreams
  • Crown: Rules over spirituality and purpose

My hope for you is that this introduction begins an enriched and clarifying journey to learning and connecting with your deep inner self. By removing and understanding your blocks in life, you are making room for new growth in your life.

Best of luck on your journey. Thanks for reading! xoxo

Want more on yoga and working with your energy centers? Check out these posts:

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