How to Increase Your Hydration in the Winter

It’s the beginning of furnace season for most of us in the Northern Hemisphere. That means dry air transmuting into a world of flaky skin, sore throats, and an overall dull complexion.

During this time, I basically wake up feeling like Spongebob when he visits Sandy’s terrarium without his water bowl… shriveled and dehydrated.

Image result for dehydrated spongebob

If you feel the same, you could use a hydration boost. There is hope for your cracked lips, my dear. Check out the next 7 tips to glow up this winter. I promise your skin, throat, and lips will thank you.

1. Put a humidifier on as you sleep.

Humidifiers are an easy installation to any bedroom. Also, coming in at around $30, they are not a very expensive investment. Just pour in some water and plug in and your bedroom air is nicely moistified (yes, I made up that word but it is fitting, right?).

2. Go easy on caffeine and alcohol

The most unfun advice, I know. As diuretics, these drinks dry you out even more than the winter air/ furnace combinations. If you do chose to drink alcohol or caffeine during the winter months, make sure to drink a large glass of water for every cup of coffee or glass of wine you drink.

3. Drink more water

Simple advice that is often easier said than done. Monitor how much you drink per day and shoot for at least 3 liters. More if you are active.

A water fountain in Switzerland

4. Up your water’s nutrition

Water is much more nutritious if it is combined with an electrolyte or vitamins. Try adding in lemon, watermelon, or fruit slices for a flavor, vitamin, and potassium boost.

Mountain spring water is more mineral dense than any other water

5. Dry brush and exfoliate

Dry brushing scrubs off the dead skin while increasing circulation. This increased circulation will promote hydration and cell regeneration in the areas you scrub to reveal a glowing complexion.

6. Incorporate in coconut water

Coconut water is electrolyte dense- packing a punch with all five key electrolytes: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

7. Add hydration boosting herbs to your water

Herbs such as rosemary, ginger, licorice, willowbark, nettle, mint, and chamomile will not only upgrade your immune system but are packed with nutrients to help hydrate your cells. You can make hot tea or a cold infusion (leaving them in a pitcher of water in the refrigerator over night). Regardless of your water choice, make sure to cover your hot or cold herbal infusion so that the volatile oils do not escape!

cold infusion at the ready
Rosemary, mint, and parsley harvested from the garden


  • Drink to your health, not to your dehydration: drink lots of water during these months. Add in fruits and herbs that are rich in electrolytes and try to limit your caffeine and alcohol use.
  • Get the right tools: invest in a dry brush and a humidifier for some additional hydration help

Thanks for reading! xoxo

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