How to Successfully Create Your Dream Life: A Complete List of Holistic and Intentional Steps

44 tips in five spheres of your life

Each one of us has an idea of what our dream life looks like. However, universally we can mostly agree on a few common goals: to feel good, be healthy, have a happy and present mindset, live fully, and leave this world better than we found it. Your dream life is right around the corner but it takes some discipline, self- love, patience, and clarity on your values in the process. This approach has to be dynamic and infused into each area of life so I have broken it into 5 categories: Mindset, Body, Social, Activities, and Environment:


  1. Be clear about your values and say no to anything that does align with them- take time to write out your values and post them somewhere that you see on a daily basis
  2. Invest in yourself- Self-love is not selfishness. Take time to pamper yourself, buy healthy produce, take courses, and go to a yoga class
  3. Challenge your world views- seek to get to know the universe (people and cultures, different parts of the world and animals, yourself, your family) from an open perspective
  4. Learn from your failures and be patient with yourself
  5. Meditate often
  6. Schedule a therapy session for any mental health concerns
  7. Pray or cultivate a spiritual practice or ritual
  8. Be a smart consumer- the fastest way to change something negative, is to stop putting your hard earned money into it
  9. Vibrate on a higher level of being- spend more time being mindful, conscious, thoughtful, aware, and present
  10. Be kinder to the earth- lowering your waste can be super simple if you plan ahead. Make some swaps like carrying a reusable straw and water bottle with you everywhere you go
  11. Appreciate all moments- small, grandiose, exciting, mundane, and everything in between
I am huge fan of meditating and journaling outside. It sets me up with unhindered alone time to reflect and plan out my dreams and I get to connect with nature.


  1. Try to go as natural as possible- in your beauty and cleaning products, foods, etc.
  2. Fill your diet with plant- based, natural foods to get all of your nutrients- your diet can literally change your life: prevent aging, reverse chronic diseases, reduce anxiety and depression. Your microbiome, or “second brain,” has an upstream regulation in all of your body’s functions.
  3. Lower unhealthy habits: cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, artificial sugar, processed foods, binging on social media
  4. Get more probiotics in your diet
  5. Find a good water source- a regularly tested spring or invest in an effective water filter (like a Berkey water filter)
  6. Get more restorative sleep- by reducing blue light (from electronics), caffeine, and negative or obstructive thoughts before bed
  7. Incorporate in a wide variety of exercise routines to get all of the benefits- strength, cardio, stretching, yoga, sports
  8. Learn from ancient wisdoms- dabble in herbalism for your medicinal needs and try Ayurvedic practices such as dry brushing and oil pulling
Colorful Vegan Poke Bowl
I try to take my workouts outside every chance I get


  1. Get more quality time with your loved ones- ask them deep questions, lower your judgement, be more sympathetic, seek to understand their true selves. A smart person knows a lot but a wise person knows they can learn from everyone and everything
  2. Say no to toxic people- rather, be around people who inspire and challenge you to better yourself
  3. Balance your introverted and extroverted nature- It is okay to miss out on social events
  4. Hold yourself accountable- refrain from gossiping and throwing judgement around
  5. Be present when you are around others- unplug and listen
  6. Give back when you can
  7. Find a Support Squad/ Dream Allies- where you cheer on others’ dreams and they cheer on yours
  8. Stop measuring and comparing your journey to others’
  9. Express gratitude for your loved ones, often
  10. Express your needs truthfully and clearly and allow others to do the same
One of the most special days I have ever had: I spent an evening with my taxi driver’s family while interning in Rwanda. Nyogokuru Josephine (“Grandma” in kinyarwandan, as she wanted me to call her) was the kindest, most loving soul. The family lived in one of the smallest villages in Rwanda & they have never met someone who wasn’t Rwandan. With the help of a translator we talked about our lives for hours. To learn more about my time in Rwanda- check out Rwandering Around


  1. Creativity is the key to soul expression- dancing, creating art, singing, writing. Do it often, without rules, expectations, or judgement. Let your wildish nature out. Each body craves the fluid nature of art in a society that often exclusively values activities that make you popular or make you money
  2. Appeal to your senses more often- cook delicious foods, practice aromatherapy, get a massage, listen to your favorite music, read beautiful poetry, watch a sunset
  3. Create a bucket list of dreams and goals- edit your list often, celebrate fulfilling any dreams, be clear about your steps needed to get to your dreams, and be open to receive all of life’s blessings
  4. Get to know yourself better- schedule in time to reflect: Notice any cycles, feelings, and changes in your being
  5. Seek out new experiences- try things you have been putting off. Do things that exhilarate you. Step out of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself
  6. Create a morning ritual- your first hour sets the mood for your whole day. If possible, spend your first hour alone and cultivating a practice that is holistically healthy, joyful, and inspirational
  7. Create a nighttime ritual- plan for the next day, unwind without screen time, and do a guided sleep meditation
  8. Diversify your income by a ‘side hustle’ that you are passionate about- if your job is demanding, there is no need to over- extend yourself but a side gig can ease financial problems and provide you with some added security if anything should happen to your day job. Most importantly, it can be an outlet for your creativity
  9. Learn every chance you get- read for a few minutes before going to sleep, listen to podcasts on your way to work, read blogs from your Pinterest groups, pick up a National Geographic while you use the bathroom, and talk to people from all walks of life. I like to create learning logs for myself and learn something new about my favorite categories each day
  10. Take more mental health days- spend a day alone, when needed, allow time to pamper yourself and unplug from the world
  11. Spend more time in nature
A glimpse into one of my favorite hobbies: Herbalism ft. my palette garden in spring
My sister and I doing a tandem yoga session in the rain


  1. Curate a sacred space- where everything has its place, is well used, and honored. Minimize things that don’t inspire or align with you
  2. Keep your space clean and decluttered
  3. Think price per use and quality over quantity- reduce the consumer mindset and only buy things that are good quality and markedly improve your life
  4. Reduce harmful chemicals- clean your space with vinegar and obtain VOC removing indoor plants (such as English Ivy and Aloe)
My sacred space is filled with art, dried herbs, incense, plenty of books, and all of my journals
Succulent plant babies

Main Take-Aways:

Focus your mind on intentionally choosing joy, practicing self love, and promoting compassion.

Take out the guessing game when it comes to treating your body well- get back to natural roots and ancient wisdoms.

Your social sphere is like a mirror to your true self, deepen and strengthen relationships through unplugging and lowering judgement

Add in activities that tie you closer to your goals through practice, reminders, motivations, and inspirations

Keep a space conducive for the imagination and to further promote the sacredness of life by decluttering and appreciating all of the things you already have

Thanks for reading!! xoxo

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And if you would like to add any tips that help you get closer to your dream life, comment below

2 thoughts on “How to Successfully Create Your Dream Life: A Complete List of Holistic and Intentional Steps”

  1. An absolutely beautiful blueprint for healthy, peaceful and fulfilling living! ❤️ Well written and so interesting! Love the coordinating pictures as well. I agree how the time first spent in the morning does set the stage for the rest of the day adding strength and positivity. So many great ideas!

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