Is it self-expression or a societal limitation?

Journal Prompt

There are many things that we spend our time, money, and energy on. Intentional living is making sure those things are worthwhile, or better: healthy for us. Freeing up our energies and prioritizing meaningful activities creates more space for us to manifest our dreams.


      Some of the most self- inhibiting activities are often societal and beauty norms (with the help of a lot of media propaganda). It can inhibit and distract you from taking the trip of a lifetime, or becoming an expert in your favorite hobby, or getting fit, or spending money on quality, nutritious produce. Common examples of these behaviors include: spending >$5 a day on Starbucks, >$50 a week on indulgences like nails, eyebrow threading, hair appointments, >$100 a month on muscle supplements, buying a new outfit for every occasion, collecting every fad lipstick, etc.

Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with self- expression, which can be an art form in and of itself. It is part of our individuality and sovereignty over our own bodies. If these activities truly make you happy, then more power to you.

This journal is meant to get to the heart of the reasoning for and benefit these activities add to your life. It is multi-step so the asterisks (***) are intended to indicate a time to pause, and ensures you are bringing full intention into this practice.


Start by writing down your monthly activities (for accuracy: feel free to do this prospectively over the course of a month). Put an average price tag and time expenditure to each activity.


If you can, put a mood or energy label to it: does this activity make you feel drained, energized, or neutral? Is it something you feel willing and happy to do or is there some resistance? Is it something you must do or is it part of pampering yourself? Is this activity a habit, necessity, or once-in-a-blue-moon?


After taking stock of your activities and product inventory- put an “I” next to all that are inhibiting you from reaching your dreams, an “H” next to all that are helping you.


Some final thoughts:

Do these activities feel imposed upon me? Are they getting out of control/ feeding an impulsive side? Are they healthy for me or wasteful/ filled with chemicals? Does the joy it brings me feel short-lived or is it infused into my daily life? Are these activities creating strain on my budget?


Now, what you choose to do with this information is up to you! Maybe, you would like to take this knowledge a step further and brainstorm ways to minimize any negative habits. Or maybe you can think of what you could do with all the extra time or money that would accumulate throughout a year of minimizing.

Or maybe, you choose to do nothing. That is fine too, awareness is always the best, first step to intentional living.

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