September 20-23: A weekend of peace and balance

There are two powerful events on the horizon, both occurring this weekend. One is the coming of fall, signaled by the autumn equinox, and the other is the International Day of Peace. These happenings are often overlooked but I encourage you to make them a part of your annual celebrations. This weekend, become part of the movement to embody balance and peace.


International Day of Peace- September 21, 2019

This day was established in 1981 by the United Nations as a day to ceasefire and start a ‘Culture of World Peace.’ It is a day to celebrate the diversity on this planet and to spread compassion for all our global brothers and sisters. This year, the theme is climate action. So, along with humanitarian peace, it is a day to do your part in keeping our environment peaceful and clean.

Autumn equinox- September 22-23, 2019

Many cultures and pre- Christian religions have been celebrating the coming of Autumn and final harvest days for thousands of years. During an equinox, the dark hours and light hours are completely balanced- that is, the sun shines for 12 hours out of the day. To celebrate this day, practice balance, harvest your crops, and spend time expressing gratitude.

Celebration tips for the International Day of Peace

  1. Practice Brahmivihara Cultivation

This ancient Buddhist practice is a cultivation and expansion of divine love for all of the world. It has many translations in English: The Four “immeasurables,” “selfless love virtues,” “divine states,” “infinite attitudes,” or “sublime emotions.” You can meditate on embodying the four attitudes and practicing intentions, mantras, and prayers on sending your divine love out to the world.

The four pillars of Brahmivihara are:

Metta– kindness through universal and embracing love

 Chant: I send out love to all, devoid of hope to possess or gain. I send out love to all- even if we have different opinions or backgrounds. I send out love to the smallest bug and the mightiest animal. I liberate and open my heart without expectation.

Karuna– compassion

Chant: I hope for peace and respite to all those who are suffering, without pity or a feeling of superiority. I will unselfishly listen to those who need an ear and be present in the midst of any pain they are feeling.

Mudita– appreciative joy or gratitude

Chant: I feel sympathetic happiness for others’ joy, I know that happiness is abundant, the more the merrier. I share in the joy of others and wish happiness continues for all.

Upekkha– equanimity or balance in mind even through difficult times         

Chant: My wiseness comes from knowing that everything is transient. I trust in this life and do not let my mind be shaken by fear and suffering.

2. Read through some of the 109 peace laureate stories and get inspired

Starting in 1901, the Nobel Peace Prize awards pioneers in peace and outstanding citizens with worldwide recognition, a medal, and prize money. I was enthralled with the youngest-  ever winner, Malala, who at just 17 was awarded for her work in peaceful protest, woman empowerment, and educational activism.

2014 winner, Malala Yousafzai-

“read thousands of books and I will power myself with knowledge. Pens and books are the weapons that defeat terrorism.”

3. Silence the inner meanie

We all do it. We are walking down the street and are annoyed at someone that we don’t even know. We start to judge that person, make blanketed statements about them, and have a slight dislike toward them. Our egos start talking because it thinks it’s helping us; but it’s doing the exact opposite. It is isolating and hardening us. For at least this day, be aware of this type of self-talk and silence it right away. Keep an open and compassionate mind.

4. Random Act of Kindness

Do something nice or help someone in need without expectation or reciprocation.

5. Go No – Waste and ditch single- use plastic for the day

Caring for the planet is a way of spreading good will throughout the world. You are helping everyone by doing your part. Check out this post for help on going no waste

Celebration tips for the autumn equinox:

  1. Enjoy the transition from summer to fall:

Get outside for your daily exercise

Take in the changing seasons by taking a nature walk

2. Balance your mind, body, and soul with a morning ritual

Stretch, gratitude journal, pray, set an intention, practice self massage

3. Host a Harvest party

Harvest your herbs, fruits, and vegetables and make a lovely meal from them, invite family and friends to enjoy

Don’t have a garden? Get some nutritious and local fall goodies from a farmer’s market

4. Take a bath and unplug

Don’t even bring your phone into the bathroom. Sit and enjoy some deep relaxation. For an added bonus, put some fall flowers and fruits into the bath.

5. Make a nutritive cold infusion with herbs

A cold infusion is soaking herbs and berries in cold water for 4+ hours. It is a wonderful way of getting vitamins from your herbs that may be boiled away when making hot tea.


Cold Infusion Recipe:

Pick your favorite herbs. Mine are mint, lemon balm, basil, hibiscus, lavender, rose and nettle

Roll the herbs in your hand and break them into smaller pieces

Submerge them in a growler or liter water bottle filled with fresh water

Add in some chopped berries

Let them sit and enjoy over ice

*added bonus- make floral ice cubes by adding lavender, hibiscus, or rose to ice cube trays!*

Your ice tea will be chock full of vitamins and minerals


6. Past, present, future journaling

Past: Take stock of all you have done throughout the year thus far and your favorite memories of the year

Present: Set the intention to become fully aware of the changes in nature- notice the temperature, the plants in bloom or on their way out for the season, notice the liveliness of the animals, the location of the sun in the sky

Future: plan some fall activities and things you would like to accomplish before the year is over

How ever you choose to celebrate, do it with love and light.

Drop a comment below with your favorite way to bring in the fall season

One thought on “Sacred September”

  1. Great blog! I feel at peace just reading this and can’t wait to try these ideas and practices! It is a wonderful time if the year to embrace and reflect on life- past, present and future ❤️

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